
126 中元節 上集

08.20.2023 - By 路1絲Play

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Chinese Ghose Festival (Part 1)

Are you afraid of ghosts? Today we’re going to talk about Chinese Ghost Festival. It is also known as Hungry Ghost Festival, Ghost Festival, Zhongyuan Festival, or Yulanpen Festival.

When is Chinese Ghose Festival?

It is on the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. The seventh month is regarded as Ghost Month.



你怕鬼嗎? 今天我們要來談談中元節. 它又稱為餓鬼節、鬼節、中元節(音譯)、或盂蘭盆節.


農曆七月十五日; 農曆七月也被視為鬼月.

(下集 - 預計下週發布)


ghost 鬼 (名)

festival 節慶 (名)

afraid 害怕恐懼的 (形)

hungry 飢餓的 (形)

fifteenth 第15的 (形)

seventh 第7的 (形)

lunar calendar 農曆 (名) * lunar 月亮的, 陰曆的 (形), calendar 日曆, 月曆 (名)


*be afraid of _____ -- 表示: 對…感到害怕的, 心生恐懼的


She is afraid of spiders. 她很怕蜘蛛.

The boy is afraid of dogs. (這)男孩很怕狗.

*A be known as B – 表示: A以B的身份或名稱為人所知, 即A又稱為B, 有時也可簡寫成aka.


Jay Chou is also known as “President Chou”. 周杰倫又被稱為「周董」.

Jay Chou, aka “President Chou”, is a famous singer. 周杰倫, 又被稱為「周董」, 是有名的歌手.

* A be regarded as B -- 表示: A被視為B (A被以B的身份或名稱來看待)


He is regarded as the most successful salesperson in the company. 他被視為是公司最成功的業務人員.

This novel is regarded as her best one. 這本小說被視為她最佳的一本.

*以上單字詞性的標註, 是以此單字在本對話句子的結構中之性質(角色)來標註. 同一個字在不同句構下, 其詞性可能不同.

*翻譯的部份, 盡量翻出符合中文用詞的語意, 非逐字翻, 若逐字翻有時會變得粉奇怪^^

*延伸學習: 086 萬聖節 (上) https://sndn.link/Basic_English/ZUXn5d


*聯絡: [email protected]

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