
142 那是啥東東 (2)

01.21.2024 - By 路1絲Play

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描述 實用句

What is it? Episode 2

It's a thing. Specifically, it's a large musical instrument, so you may see it at a music classroom. It has many black and white keys. You can play it by pressing the keys. So, what is it?


那(它)是啥東東? 第2集

它是一個物品. 具體而言, 它是一個大型的樂器, 所以你可能會在音樂教室看到(它). 它有很多黑色和白色的(琴)鍵. 你可(藉由)按下(琴)鍵來彈奏它. 嗯, 那是啥東東?


thing 物品, 東西 (名)

specifically 具體地, 具體而言 (副)

large 大的 (形)

musical 音樂的, 和音樂相關的 (形)

instrument樂器, 儀器, 器具 (名)

key 鋼琴的琴鍵 (名) * keyboard 鍵盤 (名)

press 按, 壓 (動)


*by … 利用, 透過…方法


They go to school by bus. 他們搭巴士上學.

He makes money by selling computers. 他靠賣電腦賺錢.

**The answer is: piano .答案: 鋼琴

Did you get it right? 你答對了嗎?

*以上單字詞性的標註, 是以此單字在本對話句子的結構中之性質(角色)來標註. 同一個字在不同句構下, 其詞性可能不同.

*翻譯的部份, 盡量翻出符合中文用詞的語意, 非逐字翻, 若逐字翻有時會變得粉奇怪^^

*延伸學習: 133 那是啥東東 (1) https://sndn.link/Basic_English/ibuj8P

"Basic English - Let's Talk" is written and produced by Louise.

零基礎溜英文 - 本節目由路1絲 撰稿製作

*聯絡: [email protected]

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