
146 梅花開了

02.18.2024 - By 路1絲Play

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賞花 實用句

A: Plum trees are blooming. The flowers are delicate and a little fragrant.

B: Look! Bees are busy sucking nectar and collecting pollen.

A: Yep. They help these flowers with pollination. There are some cute green plums on the branches.


A: (梅樹開花了)(梅花正在綻放中)梅花開了. 這花很嬌柔, 有一點香香的.

B: 看! 蜜蜂忙著吸食花蜜, 採花粉.

A: 是啊, 它們幫這些花授粉. 樹枝上有一些可愛的青梅.


plum 梅子 (名)

bloom 開花 (動)

delicate 嬌柔的 (形)

fragrant 芳香的 (形)

suck 吸食 (動)

nectar 花蜜 (名)

collect 採集, 收集 (動)

pollen 花粉 (名)

pollination 授粉作用 (名)

branch 樹枝 (名)


*Be V + busy + Ving [表達: 正忙於…]


I am busy preparing for my final exam. 我正忙著準備期末考.

The chef is busy cooking. 廚師正忙著做菜.

*help … with +名 [表達: 協助某人做某事]

=help … + 原形動詞


Parents help kids with their homework. 父母協助孩子做(他們的)功課.

=Parents help kids do their homework.

His mother helped him with his tuition. 他媽幫他付了學費.

=His mother helped him pay his tuition.

*以上單字詞性的標註, 是以此單字在本對話句子的結構中之性質(角色)來標註. 同一個字在不同句構下, 其詞性可能不同.

*翻譯的部份, 盡量翻出符合中文用詞的語意, 非逐字翻, 若逐字翻有時會變得粉奇怪^^

*延伸學習: 104 炮仗花 https://sndn.link/Basic_English/lf8sy6

"Basic English - Let's Talk" is written and produced by Louise.

零基礎溜英文 - 本節目由路1絲 撰稿製作

*聯絡: [email protected]

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