The Briefing Room

China's winter of discontent

12.01.2022 - By BBC Radio 4Play

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Chants of ‘Xi Jinping step down’ were heard on the lips of some demonstrators in China last weekend. A rare example of dissent against the Chinese leader. The cause of the protestors fury is pretty clear – nearly three years of the government’s zero-Covid policy has proved too much to bear for many Chinese. The Chinese Communist Party acted quickly by sending police to protest sites and increasing online censorship. But on Tuesday some local health officials began suggesting that they needed to lift lockdowns ‘as quickly as possible’. Will that be enough to prevent further protests in China, and how will Xi Jinping and his government respond to recent events? Joining David Aaronovitch in The Briefing Room are: David Rennie, Beijing bureau chief at The Economist

Kerry Allen, Chinese media analyst at BBC News

Dr Yu Jie, senior research fellow on China in the Asia-Pacific programme at Chatham House

Professor Steven Tsang, director at SOAS China Institute

Producers: Ben Carter, Kirsteen Knight and Daniel Gordon

Editor: Simon Watts

Studio manager: Graham Puddifoot

Production co-ordinators: Siobhan Reed & Helena Warwick-Cross

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