Rock Your Research with Chris Jones

016: Jia overcame losing a field seasons worth of data to finish her dissertation and ultimately land her dream job

11.17.2015 - By Chris Jones interviews PhDs about graduate school and careers to provide advice to graduate students!Play

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Jia is an assistant professor in the Ecology department and Montana State University. Her research focuses on plant ecophysiology. To learn more about her and her research check out her lab website, which is amazing and well worth checking out both in terms of interesting research and visually appealing design. Listen to her graduate school story that led her to a tenure track professor position.

Biggest Struggle

Knowing what is enough to finish. You want a study that tells a great story but doesn't take forever.

Worst Moment

Installing her field equipment (sap flow sensors) backwards which meant she lost almost an entire seasons of data plus the winter that she had spent making them.

Best Moment

Receiving the National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG)

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit: Joined a writing group that forced her to write every week.

Book:  The Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology by Terry Chapin.

Productivity Tool: To do lists: long-term, weekly, and daily.

Best Advice:  You need to be confident in yourself.

Hobbies: Skiing and spending time with her kids.

Alternative PhD study:  Soil science.

Contact Information and Resources


Email: [email protected]

Lab Website

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Intro and Outro Music: - Happy Rock

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