Rock Your Research with Chris Jones

022: Justin struggles with perfectionism but doesn't let that stop him from doing work he loves and that matters.

12.29.2015 - By Chris Jones interviews PhDs about graduate school and careers to provide advice to graduate students!Play

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Justin struggles with perfectionism but doesn't let that stop him from doing work he loves and that matters. He made connections that helped him land the position he wanted in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Justin is a research geophysicist and deputy chief of the USGS Induced Seismicity Project. His current research is focused on human induced earth quakes. To learn more about Justin and his work at the USGS check out his webpage.

Biggest Struggle

Perfectionism, always needing to do more.

Worst Moment

Left his poster at airport security on the way to his first conference.

Best Moment

Getting asked for advice by some of the top scientists in his field.

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit: Putting in time before a talk to practice and prep it.

Book:  Two articles: Scrutiny of the Abstract and Scrutiny of the Introduction.

Productivity Tool: To do lists and a reference manager (Mendeley)

Best Advice:  Stop talking about and just write it.

Hobbies:  Being outdoors, biking, running, skiing, triathlons, and cooking.

Alternative PhD study:  Food Science.

Contact Information and Resources

Email: [email protected]

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Intro and Outro Music: - Happy Rock

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