Metabolic Freedom With Ben Azadi

Mike Feldstein | Transforming Your Home into a Clean, Safe Sanctuary: Expert Tips and Tricks KKP: 704

12.08.2023 - By Ben AzadiPlay

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Today, I am blessed to have here with me Mike Feldstein. He is the Founder & CEO of Jaspr, an air science & technology company. He is an unconventional entrepreneur who sees challenges as opportunities and who is constantly finding solutions to problems others see as insurmountable. Jaspr, Feldstein’s latest venture, is the culmination of Mike’s diverse background in air quality, disaster restoration, and entrepreneurship and it is his mission to protect air quality and improve human health through innovative products and education.

Diving into the unpredictable terrain of environmental allergens becomes paramount in a world where our surroundings are rife with unseen threats. We unravel the intricate relationship between ecological disturbances and the potential allergens lurking in our midst. The impact on health varies widely, with individuals exhibiting diverse responses, from severe reactions to minimal effects.

Later, Mike draws a vital distinction between fresh air and clean air, shedding light on the potential dangers of elevated CO2 levels in confined spaces. While practical, the pursuit of energy efficiency in buildings may compromise indoor air quality, necessitating a delicate balance between energy efficiency and health. Tune in as we explore the nuanced world of air purification metrics and strategies. Join us on this comprehensive exploration as we navigate the unseen hazards surrounding us, arming ourselves with knowledge to create healthier and safer living environments.

Jaspr: (use code: ketokamp) Get 40% off only from December 8th - December 15th 2023. After this date, the coupon code drops to 20% off.

Download your FREE seed oil allergy card here: 

Join Ben Azadi's 90 day heavy metal detox program (12 spots available): 

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Wild Pastures: $20 OFF per Box for Life + Free Shipping for Life + $15 OFF your 1st Box!

BonCharge: Blue light Blocking Glasses, Red Light Therapy, Sauna Blankets & More. Visit and use the coupon code KETOKAMP for 15% off your order. 

Text me the words "Podcast" +1 (786) 364-5002 to be added to my contacts list.

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[09:50] The Unpredictable Terrain of Environmental Allergens

-       The impact of potential allergens in the environment, such as those in carpets, depends largely on disturbance. Unsettling the environment, like walking on the carpet or stirring up settled dust, can elevate the risk of exposure and reactions.

-       Individuals can exhibit diverse responses to environmental factors. Allergens may trigger severe reactions in some, while others may experience minimal effects.

-       The body's response to environmental factors, including allergens, may resemble an allergic reaction. For some, exposure can lead to chronic illnesses and autoimmune responses, while others may experience it as a form of stress.

-       Predicting the impact of environmental factors on health remains challenging. Factors such as an individual's detoxification capabilities, existing health conditions, and overall stress load contribute to the unpredictability of how people will be affected.

[20:50] Insights on the Overlooked Dangers of Smoke Damage After Fires

-       Mike emphasizes that in the aftermath of a fire, the focus should not only be on visible fire damage but also on the significant impact of toxic smoke.

-       Even if the fire is miles away, the unseen damage caused by smoke can be extensive and pose serious health risks.

-       Cleaning smoke damage involves more than just surface cleaning. Soft materials such as carpets, books, and clothing can absorb smoke particles and remain contaminated even after cleaning attempts.

-       Mike highlights the difficulty in restoring these items effectively, requiring more drastic measures like discarding porous materials.

-       Even when the visible signs and smells are gone, harmful particles can linger in the air, affecting the health of individuals.

[33:30] Mike Explores VOC Sensor Insights and Real-Life Hazards

-       Mike discusses the potential sources detected by a VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) sensor, emphasizing that it may pick up cooking particulate oils, especially from activities like using olive oil or off-gassing from pans.

-       Mike notes that the type of pan used in cooking can influence what the VOC sensor detects. Nonstick pans and cast iron pans, for example, may contribute different substances to the air, affecting the sensor's readings. This highlights the need to consider various factors when interpreting sensor data.

-       Mike shares a real-life incident where a friend's gas range was left on without the burner being on. The gas levels became dangerously high, leading to a potential hazard. This story underscores the importance of gas safety and the fact that people can become "nose blind" to such issues, reinforcing the need for reliable detectors.

[41:00] The Vital Distinction Between Fresh Air and Clean Air in Indoor Spaces

-       Mike emphasizes the crucial difference between fresh air and clean air. Opening doors or windows may bring in fresh air, but it doesn't guarantee that the air is free from harmful particulates. Clean air, which is essential for health, requires effective filtration to remove pollutants.

-       Plus, Mike discusses the potential dangers of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in confined spaces, such as cars with recirculating air. In a short amount of time, CO2 levels can significantly increase, reaching levels that may lead to fatigue and discomfort. Proper ventilation is essential to maintain healthy indoor air quality.

-       The focus on energy efficiency in buildings, particularly sealing them for better insulation, can have unintended consequences for indoor air quality. While energy efficiency is practical, it may lead to inadequate ventilation, trapping pollutants indoors and causing discomfort and fatigue.

-       Mike suggests that many energy-efficient practices are at odds with maintaining good indoor air quality. Balancing both aspects is crucial for creating environments that are both energy-efficient and healthy.

[45:00] The Nuances of Air Purification Metrics and Strategies

-       Mike challenges the conventional approach of using square footage as the sole metric for air purification needs.

-       He stresses that cubic volume, which considers ceiling height, is a more accurate measure. This nuanced perspective is crucial for understanding the actual air volume that needs to be addressed for effective purification.

-       Mike discusses the impact of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems on air purification. If an HVAC system is in place, the performance of air purifiers like Jaspr can be more effective in terms of air changes per hour.

-       Mike explains the dynamics of air cleaning in closed rooms with air purifiers like Jaspr. While the purifier can achieve high efficiency within the closed space, the overall impact on the entire house may be limited if the HVAC system is in use. Understanding these nuances is crucial for optimizing air purification strategies.

[47:30] The Nuances of Effective Air Purification Strategies

-       Controlled environments, such as rooms with specific dimensions, can impact the effectiveness of air purifiers like Jaspr.

-       Drawing an analogy to water currents, Mike explains that air moves in predictable patterns within a home. Factors like temperature, humidity, pressure, and HVAC systems contribute to the establishment of air currents.

-       Mike recommends prioritizing air purification in spaces where people spend a significant amount of time, such as bedrooms and work areas. He notes that areas with high pollutant sources, like kitchens and living rooms, are essential to address.

-       Instead of focusing on square footage, Mike suggests thinking about the percentage improvement in air cleanliness. Achieving a 95% to 99% improvement in air quality in a specific space, taking into account factors like air exchange through HVAC units, is a meaningful goal.


Resources from this episode:

●      Website:

●      Jaspr: (use code: ketokamp) Get 40% off only from December 8th - December 15th 2023. After this date, the coupon code drops to 20% off.

●      Follow Mike

●      Instagram:

●      LinkedIn:

Download your FREE seed oil allergy card here: 

Join Ben Azadi's 90 day heavy metal detox program (12 spots available): 

/ / E P I S O D E   S P ON S O R S 

Wild Pastures: $20 OFF per Box for Life + Free Shipping for Life + $15 OFF your 1st Box!

BonCharge: Blue light Blocking Glasses, Red Light Therapy, Sauna Blankets & More. Visit and use the coupon code KETOKAMP for 15% off your order. 

Text me the words "Podcast" +1 (786) 364-5002 to be added to my contacts list.

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Ben Azadi disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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