Own it Babe

24 - Q & A: How to stop being a people pleaser, processed vs. non-processed foods & more

In this episode I am answering your questions and talk about:
* My vacation in Mexico and what my bad body image moment taught me
* How I shifted from body hate to pure joy and self love with just one step
* How to deal with the constant desire to change your personality based on not feeling enough - aka how to step into your truth and be the badass woman you're supposed to be
* How I handled relapses in the past and overcame my mindset of "I will never recover from my eating disorder"
* "Is it worth it to stress over processed vs. non-processed foods?" My honest thoughts on this.
Follow Rini on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
Access Rini's Body Image Pep Talks at https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies
Disclaimer: This episode is not a substitute for medical advice or eating disorder treatment. It is meant for informational and educational purposes only.

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Own it BabeBy Rini Frey