Rock Your Research with Chris Jones

014: Raul Pacheco-Vega combined his passion for education and research to land a job that allowed him to live close to his family and friends

11.03.2015 - By Chris Jones interviews PhDs about graduate school and careers to provide advice to graduate students!Play

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Raul Pacheco-Vega combined his passion for education and research to land a job that allowed him to live close to his family and friends. He shares his experience and advice for students on how to find work that you enjoy.

Raul is an assistant professor in the Public Administration Division of the Center for Economic Research and Teaching, CIDE, in Aguascalientes, Mexico. His primary research interest is in understanding the factors that contribute to cooperation in natural resource governance. He is also the associate editor of the Journal of Environmental Sciences and Studies and is the founder of the Twitter #scholarsunday. You can learn more about Raul on his blog.

Biggest Struggle

Being able to focus and trying to do to many things.

Worst Moment

Breaking up with his boyfriend. Being in a good place emotionally is very important.

Best Moment

Dissertation defense and getting great feedback from his adviser.

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit: Daily writing habit and procrastinating on purpose

Book:  Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success by Wendy Laura Belcher

Productivity Tool: Reference managers currently using Mendeley. Also uses Evernote and Google calendar.

Best Advice: (1) Wake up every morning and start writing (2) Everyday read something at the beginning of the day to get your brain going (3) Take at least 1 day off a week (4) Focus on making your dissertation done because the best dissertation is a done dissertation (5) To be a good academic but also a good human being.

Hobbies: Volleyball, dancing, tennis, playing piano, and going to concerts

Alternative PhD study: Chemical Engineer

Contact Information and Resources


Raul's Blog

Happy PhD

Jenifer Polk Interview and website

Lisa Munro

Higher Ed jobs Twitter

Jobs AC UK Twitter

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