Smooth Career Change: Over 40 | Midlife Professionals | Aspiring Coaches, Speakers, Authors | Entrepreneurs

SCC220: Gain Clarity Make A Career Change with Mike McRitchie

So many people that I've spoken with over the years feel stuck where they are simply because they do not have clarity to make a career change.

Clarity is one of the most important aspects to personal or business success.

The question is, "how do you gain clarity to make a career change?" "Is there a formula that's available for one to use to gain clarity?"

These are only a few of the questions that people have when it comes to gaining clarity. It's essential for them to make a career change in alignment with who they are and the skills they possess.

In this episode, our guest - Mike McRitchie sheds light on this subject.

Here are just a sampling of what you'll hear as you listen to this episode:

Find a career that:

  • aligns with your strengths
  • is more meaningful to this stage of your life
  • allows you to learn and grow
  • satisfies your soul

Signs you need a career change:

  • everyday is like a Monday
  • your work performance is taking a "beating"
  • you are bored at work
  • your workday seems longer than weekend days
  • feeling lost
  • feeling like you are wasting your life away

Why some people remain in a career that's unfulfilling:

  • change is scary
  • you are comfortable
  • fear of the unknown
  • feeling inadequate
  • fear of rejection in new relationships

3-Steps to successful career transition

  • Step 1 - Connect with people who are in the career you are thinking of and have conversations with them
  • Step 2 - Get your financial house in order
  • Step 3 - Get supportive network in place starting with your close family members such as your spouse if you have one
  • Step 4 - Test out the "waters" ... see how you could make a change without major disruptions especially financially

Here's a brief bio of Mike McRitchie:

Mike is someone who has maintained his sanity through job changes and constant reinvention in the turbulent telecom industry.  He's experienced the highest highs of self fulfillment - working for a company that truly cared about its employees.  And then the lowest lows as the company he loved came crashing down as the business model became no longer viable - driven by industry change.

Over the years he's been both an employee and independent contractor.  And he's recently started a part time side hustle resume writing and career coaching business that has connected with his audience and has grown rapidly.

He's taken risks early in his career and is doing the same now - 20+ years into his telecom career.

To him and his clients, life is a journey that must be experienced.  Why waste your life doing your time, waiting for retirement?  When you could be creating an impact by pursuing your passions and creating a life of purpose.


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Smooth Career Change: Over 40 | Midlife Professionals | Aspiring Coaches, Speakers, Authors | EntrepreneursBy [email protected] | Speaker | Transition Coach | Trainer | Author