GenY Success Show with Jason Bay | Weekly discussions on Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Millennials, Gen Y

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Okay I was pretty nervous to do this episode! I think you'll really like it though. Here are the three takeaways:

Honest self reflection is key to success in life.

My story...many of you have emailed me asking for more about my story. I did my best to give it in this episode!

Find one lesson that relates to you and apply it. Or share one of your lessons from 2014 in the comments below.


Lesson #1: It's okay to quit

Click To Tweet: "If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs." - Tony Gaskin

Takeaway: It's okay to use a job or opportunity as a stepping stone.

Lesson #2: You learn the most about starting a business by doing exactly that: starting a business

Click To Tweet: "You don't learn until you launch." Dan Norris, founder of WPCurve

Links: The 7 Day Startup by Dan Norris

Takeaway: No one starts out perfect, but every successful person has to start from somewhere. Whether it's a business, blog or podcast...just start it. You'll learn more by doing than you ever could by reading and listening about it.

Lesson #3: Embrace failures...and own up to them

Click To Tweet: "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

Links: Michael Jordan Failure Commercial

Takeaway: Everyone fails. People oftentimes like hearing about a person's failures more so than their successes because you can learn more from failures. Embrace your failures, learn from them and analyze your successes as close as you do your failures.

Lesson #4: Helping others without any expectation in return actually pays off

Click To Tweet: "Help someone today. Don't talk about it. Don't expect anything in return, just do it." - One of my quotes

Links: Everyone On Facebook Knows What You're Thankful For Now, But...

Takeaway: Don't burn bridges. You never know when your path might require you to cross them again.

Lesson #5: I can't succeed at the level I want to without the help of others

Click To Tweet: "It's not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it." - Lena Horne

Links: Interview with Keith Ferrazi, author of Never Eat Alone, on the School of Greatness Podcast with Lewis Howes, Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazi

Takeaway: Asking for help is just as important as giving help. Do both.

Lesson #6: The 80/20 rule - focus on the top 10-20% of tasks that will drive 80-90% of your successes

Click To Tweet: "Massive elimination is the most important step and the most neglected step for entrepreneurs." - Tim Ferriss

Links: The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss, podcast episode on the Tim Ferriss Show about not-to-do lists

Takeaway: Apply the 80/20 rule to as many aspects of your life as possible...and remember that what you don't do is just as important as what you do.

Lesson #7: Productivity increases 10-fold when you know "why" you want to be more productive

Click To Tweet: "You become the most productive when you don't work on autopilot." - Chris Bailey, founder of A Life of Productivity

Links: Episode #19 with Chris Bailey on boosting productivity, Episode #6 with Brandon Epstein from Entrepreneur Fitness, Headspace meditating app, Sleep Hacks,

Takeaway: Productivity is not just about time and working more's also about attention and energy.

Lesson #8: A consistent morning routine is essential for productivity and fulfillment

Click To Tweet: "Who you're becoming is far more important than what you're doing, yet it's what you're doing that's determining who you're becoming." - Hal Elrod

Links: Episode #22 with Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Takeaway: Live your life with intention. Wake up with a purpose.

Lesson #9: The impact of travel on my life

Click To Tweet: "If you want to take over the world, you better understand it first." Matt Wilson, co-founder of Under30CEO and Adventurer In Residence of Under30Experiences

Links: Under30Experiences, Episode #11 with Matt Wilson on travel and its importance in your success,

Lesson #10: I don't need the approval of everyone to be happy...just from the people that matter the most to me

Click To Tweet: "Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you in order to achieve it." - Jim Rohn

Links: Episode #7 with Dave Anderson where we talk quite a bit about ways to find fulfillment in life

Takeaway: Spend time thinking about what makes you happy. What gives you butterflies? Write it down. Now surround yourself with people that share those same values.

More episodes from GenY Success Show with Jason Bay | Weekly discussions on Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Millennials, Gen Y