Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast | Reviews | Analysis | Discussion

Unforgiven Analysis – Main Show – 266

03.21.2015 - By Jeff Roney and Colleen Roney, Once Upon a Time Reviewers, Hosts.Play

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Unforgiven Analysis

Main Show

Episode Number: 266

Show notes can be found at:


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Email points:

From Aleana

Average. Some really great scenes but some real stinkers too.

*** This show’s obsession with purity in exactly the wrong way continues to be stupid. The cognitive dissonance just doesn’t make for good television. Maleficent basically revealed that Emma is…a human! Capable of both good and bad acts! WOW! And knowing the bad things Snow and Charming had done, even at that point makes their insistence at being heroes two dimensional. Will Emma really be that mad at them for doing everything they can to protect her from becoming a villian. (I miss the Snow and Charming of Snow Falls)

PS I still love this show


From Chris Tipton


I have to sadly say this was a very meh episode to me. Very slow paced and plodding. With that said… My 5 points

*** 5. The reveal of what Snowing did to Maleficent- Im not sure of how i feel about this. I dont know whether to think its super dark or just plain silly. I do feel it was kind of a letdown for the build up, at least so far. Hopefully the more they reveal will make it better. I have issues with what they’re saying about Emma. So she’s basically any human, she has the potential to be good or bad, so does anyone else. And Snow saying if she turns dark, her child will be doomed to that darkness as well. Excuse me?! No child is ever doomed or forced to follow their parents mistakes. That is just ridiculous. Ok, ill get off the soapbox

4. Maleficents resurrection- I felt the way this came about made since and was handled pretty well. Its still pretty convenient and easy that all they needed was her ashes and Snowings blood, but i suppose it is what it is. When she materialized there it was, genuinely scary and makes you worry for the charmings.

Side note, im not digging her horns, as good a job Edwardo Castro usually does, these look cheaply made and leave alot to be desired.

3. Belle and Will…. Wow Doctor, i did not see this coming. So Belle has definitely moved on, and I REALLY, REALLY want to know what happened to Anastasia now. It cant be good.

2. Cruella- She continues to be absolutely Stellar. Her cunning wit and snark easily rivals Regina in my opinion. I love how she calls everyone Darling, sort of a, parallel to Rumples “Dearie”. Some highlights of her: wanting to turn Granny into a fur coat, she wears blood diamonds apparently and she likes charmings looks. Shes by far the best of the 3. Still waiting on Ursula to become interesting at all. I feel like i seem to say this about every new villain, but Cruella is already one of my favorite villains yet. Actually, just for fun, ill rate the villains

1. Cruella

2. Rumple

3. Ingred

4. Pan

5. Cora

6. Zelena

7. Maleficent

8. Ursula

(I don’t count Regina because shes no longer a villain but when she was shes obviously the best, and Greg and Tamara just sucked)

1. Regina and Marco- this was easily my favorite part of an otherwise lackluster episode. Seeing Regina so vulnerable and apologizing like that was so amazing. Shes truly a hero, one of the good guys if you will.

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