Think Enriched

Value Yourself as a Smart, Ambitious Woman

02.21.2018 - By Amy RoblesPlay

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You're a smart, ambitious woman. You know you're supposed to value yourself. You make sure that the work gets done. That everyone contributes. And that tiny details are taken care of, things are turned in on time, and you are serving others. You value the lessons learned in the work. While you teach others to learn, grow and progress. This is all so very important, but you know what else matters? Answer this honestly inside:  Do you value yourself?  This is something it seems, that every smart, ambitious woman is so busy looking out for all the things... the stuff of life, the details are taken care of and things keep moving forward. You miss the chance to look back and enjoy that moment when you had that tiny win (that was more than just a tiny win... it was setting you on a whole new path for your life.)  When you should savor it. You rush to the next thing, because it's on the list.  Yet, you haven't processed the last thing. So as you have more things going on, you can lose yourself in it. Don't devalue yourself. Stop missing the moment. Instead, be all there.  Feel how good your life is right now. I know, you're thinking, "But my house is still not as clean as I'd like... I haven't made that next promotion... I haven't lost the weight... I'm not there yet..." Of course not.  That's the future. You are here.  Right now at this moment. Answer the Emergency Text It's late at night, you are about to go to bed.  A close friend that you haven't seen in a while texts you and says, "I'm feeling low.  Remind me why I'm a good person." At that moment, you have no idea what's going on in her life.  You don't know if she just broke up with a boyfriend, or her job is a nightmare or any of that. None of the matters right now. What do you do?  Immediately, you instinctively send a text, or two, or several, reminding this friend what a wonderful person they are.  You look inside to their heart and tell them of the exact moment when she stood up and did the right thing.  The memories of the time when you both laughed yourself to tears...literal tears, comes up and you can't help but smile while you continue to text. Mostly though, you remind your friend that she is loved. Just because. And you are there for her, no matter where the world takes you. Then you wait. It takes a minute or two, but she answers you with a heart and "tears streaming down the face" emoji. She remembers that time, too. And in that tiny moment, you feel that peace. You feel love. Imagine Your Screen We've all had moments when we've felt like that.  It doesn't matter how successful you are, where you come from, how nice the car you drive is... If you don't value yourself, no one else will see you.  All of you. You know what's crazy about that? You're a smart, ambitious woman. You. Right now.  You have so much value. You are the one serving in the community.  People say to you, "Girl, how do you do it all?" People see what you are doing on the outside.  Imagine if they saw what you were doing to yourself on the inside.  If we all walked around with our own, little speech bubble/ screen sharing the thoughts and conversations we are having with ourselves, imagine what that would look like. The screen above the of exhausted-looking woman in front of you in the check out with 3 screaming kids would say, "I haven't slept in 3 days.  But I can't get sick.  How will we survive without my paycheck?  I'll just push on..."  The screen of the superwoman who bakes delicious goodies and gives them to neighbors says, "These are so ugly!  You can't do anything right.  Why don't you just quit?  This will never be a business!"  The working woman, supportive friend, that hasn't settled down woman's screen reads, "Why does it matter if I have a man or not?!?  I would love to settle down.  Quit asking about my dating life! My worth is not based on being someone's wife!" Your screen, what would it look like?  What do you say to yourself that you would never say to another person? Perhaps you need to write it down on a paper.  Just so you can see how those words aren't helping you.  In fact, they are hurting you.  These words are holding you back. So rip that paper to shreds. Destroy those useless words. Burn the paper if you need to, but don't you dare let that inner voice hold you back. Be There for Yourself We all have days when we are feeling low.  That's part of this human experience. We need you.  The full you.  The you that answers your own emergency text when you're feeling low.  The you that reminds yourself you are good.  More than good.  You are wonderful.  That you give and serve.  That you are doing so much to make our world better. And mostly, that you are loved.  Just because. You are feeling the value that you have. Bring more of that to our world.  

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