BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1598 You Are a Warrior

03.21.2024 - By Pamela Crim | Daily Devotional for WomenPlay

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Psalms 18:39, “For You have girded me with strength for battle.”

May I speak some powerful truth into your life this morning? YOU ARE A WOMAN TRAINED BY THE KING TO BE A WARRIOR. TRAINED TO FACE THE VERY BATTLE IN FRONT OF YOU!

Every struggle you’ve overcome, every hardship, every setback and every trial has served to strengthen and train you. Nothing has been wasted. Just look how much stronger you are now than you were 10 years ago. Why are you stronger? Because you have been challenged. Life’s challenges train us. They train us for the next level of living.

And make no mistake about it, the next level of living will not be free of challenges. Somewhere along the way we’ve bought into this fallacy that when we “arrive” in life – when we get that new job, when money isn’t so tight – or when we lose the weight – or when we move to that new place – then life will be easier. And wow are we ever disappointed to find new devils with our new levels.

You weren’t created for an easy, cushy, comfortable life. If you were, then why would God make you a warrior? That would make no sense. Warriors are for battle.

Listen to me, life is a battle. A battle of balance. A battle of the mind. A battle for peace. A battle for contentment. A battle for our potential. Do you know why things keep coming at you? Why there are continual setbacks? Why doors keep slamming shut in your face and why with every step forward you seem to take 2 back? Do you know why?

Because you have an enemy in this world – His name is Satan and HE SEES YOUR POTENTIAL AS A WARRIOR. He sees your potential more than you see it. So he attacks to keep you from rising up.

But do you know why God allows the enemy to attack you? Because he can use it all for your good. He can use it as your training, to strengthen his mighty warrior. All you’ve learned to overcome in the past will be used today. And all you learn in today’s battle will be used for tomorrow.

YOU ARE A WARRIOR. God has strengthened you for battle. Living the life you were created for is a battle. Becoming your best is a battle. Holding your marriage together is a battle. Raising kids is a battle (can I get an amen mamas). You’ve got this because God’s got you. Whatever you are facing today, you have been equipped to march right through it.

A warrior is a soldier known for their bravery. You have a mission, a mission to live this one and only beautiful life that you have been given. Live it bravely. Hold your head high, put your shoulders back and remember who you are. A beautiful woman trained by the king to be a warrior. To face the very battle in front of you today. Harness the strength God has promised you and provided you.

At retreat, I always have the women line up for one epic photo. They stand, hand in hand, legs shoulder width apart, shoulders back, head high. Strong. Powerful. Mighty. Warrior. But we do not stand alone. We are connected. Then, I have them all lift their hands, still locked together. We are victorious. Victorious together.

We are not weak. We are not defeated. We are not hopeless. And we are NOT alone! We are powerful women chosen and strengthened by God. Strengthened to take a stand in our lives. No more backing down. No more quitting. No more shrinking back. Girls, we can’t play little in our own lives for one more day. Stretch out those arms, use the space you have been given, be bold and brave.

I stand with you today. I stand with you in faith and I have that stubborn faith that simply won’t stop believing in God’s good plans over your life, regardless of circumstances.

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