Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy Largent

#006: Faye Hall Interview along with Strategies for Difficult Conversations (Podcast)

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Faye Hall is truly a Renaissance Woman!  She was born in China, studied in Kansas and has been a part of two world-changing startups.

A leader in the tech community she is an entrepreneur and visionary.  Her most recent start up, Build-it Redding, was nominated for the Northern California State Educator of the Year Award in 2013.

Key ideas from her interview:

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses and build a team around you to support you in those
  • Build relationships first, then all the rest follows
  • There is tremendous power in systems – both at work and home

Favorite Book Resource: The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated, by Tim Ferriss

Website:  www.builditredding.com

Part 2:  Strategies for Navigating Difficult Conversations

Each Personality Style will approach a difficult conversation differently:

  • Yellow – Sunshine Sally:  Avoid and ignore it, cajole the other person into forgetting it
  • Red – Action Annie:  She will use force and potentially anger to “bully” someone into seeing it her way
  • Blue – Detailed Danielle: She will be passive aggressive as a way to manipulate, or might even withdraw to avoid it all together
  • Green – Peaceful Patty:  She will pretend there’s no problem, using procrastination to control until it all blows sky high.

Here is a format you can use to navigate the conversation no matter what your style!

When you – fill in specific action that’s bothering you.

I feel – name the emotion

Because – elaborate on emotion, why you feel that way

I want you to – changed behavior you want to see

Encouraging word of the week:  Romans 12:18  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Good luck with this new way of communicating!  I would love to hear your results.  Just leave your comments in the box below.


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Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy LargentBy Christy Largent

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