The Immigrant Entrepreneur

008 – A Bulgarian Socrates for Scientists – Nikola Danaylov

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People who want to make things better, understand things better, who are predisposed to take action and speak up so that others can take action, may make good entrepreneurs. They may change the world. They may be able to look longer into the mirror. But they do not have easier lives.
That Nikola Danaylov cannot stop himself from wanting systems, society, science, and ethics to reach their zenith, is one thing.
Growing up behind the iron curtain, not being able to stop himself from trying to improve his Bulgarian Army Regiment was another.
He lived to tell the tale (on this podcast) of making suggestions to a general.
We hear how, when he departed for America to study, Nikola earned $.30 per month due to hyper-inflation. He describes how under these conditions he faced his circumstances coming into America to start a new life.
And, despite language barriers, how he made a 4.0 grade point average, at his college., upon which he could ask posit any question through his 800 articles, and interview hundreds of the world’s top thinkers and scientists.
Ultimately Nikola did not find the dreamed of American Dream.  Instead, searching forward, he created a platform
Nikola’s focus are the heady topics of singularity, artificial intelligence, exponential tech, and ethics, all which he delves into on the podcast.
Lastly, through his story we see that not every brilliant entrepreneur is a financial success. He shares deeply of bridging the gap from social entrepreneur to monetizing.
An additional note:
After posting my interview with Nikola on my website, he noticed a flaw on my website, and without my knowing, dug deeper. He called me back spent 30 minutes explaining seven specific ways for me to improve my website, presentation, and SEO. They were not ‘tips’, they were foundational in nature. I was surprised and am grateful, for his wanting to make things better.
Last note: Nikola's dream interviewee? Elon Musk.
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The Immigrant EntrepreneurBy Kent Trabing - Please Subscribe to Hear All Episodes