Robert D. Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City. He is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy. Robert was a NY State Regents Scholar at Fordham University. where he received a degree in psychology, and participated in the early research & development of Artificial Intelligence. He is an expert in Chinese language, history, martial arts.
Robert began flying in 1984 and is a FAA licensed pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor with 30 years of flying experience.
Robert has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and has published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government coverup and deception in the JFK Assassination and his work is cited in major books on the assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Assassination Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
Robert is a member of The Secret Space Program Conference and has written extensively to expose the relationship between the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, the Secret Space Program, UFOs and the JFK Assassination. Robert is currently the Associate Editor of UFO Digest.
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