Carl Lehrburger is an environmental activist, renewable energy entrepreneur, researcher and author. He is a founder and an executive manager of PureVision Technology, Inc. Since founding PureVision in 1992, PureVision scientists have developed a unique and green conversion technology to transform non-food plants (known as biomass) including wood and agricultural residues such as corn cobs and leaves into a myriad of bio products. (See
Bear & Co. has published his first book, Secrets of Ancient America, which is the culmination of over 25 years of Carls investigations of archaeological and sacred sites, with a focus on Old World peoples in the Americas before Columbus. His research of the ancients in the New World includes the Celts, Phoenicians, Romans, Hebrews, Indus Valley and Asian peoples in the Americas. More than a history book, Secrets of Ancient America is a first hand account of how Carl learned to see a New History. Secrets of Ancient America also addresses the fundamental question, why has the evidence been ignored and Americans remain ignorant of their history? Secrets of Ancient America presents a new paradigm and way of deciphering history. (See his New History website at for additional information on the book and his work.)