The Biz Mavens Podcast

023: How To Expand Your Platform by Writing a Book, with Natalie Hoffman

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Did you know that writing a book is one of the best ways to expand your platform? CEOs to politicians and everyone in between knows that nothing gives you quite as much exposure and traditional authority as writing a book. But don’t you need to go to school and get a degree in writing (or pay someone who has) before you take that step? According to my returning guest, Natalie Hoffman, the answer is NO!

In our conversation, Natalie talks about her ministry and business, “Flying Free,” what led her to write her book, the formula I shared with her for writing a book, how writing her book has expanded her platform, and much more. I can’t wait for you to learn from Natalie’s amazing example. Make sure you have pen and paper ready—you don’t want to miss a thing!

In this episode, listen for
  • [0:47] Natalie Hoffman talks about her work with “Flying Free.”
  • [3:10] What led Natalie to write her book?
  • [6:15] Is writing a book the best way to keep your audience engaged?
  • [9:30] The book writing formula that I shared with Natalie
  • [12:20] Natalie’s definition of success
  • [14:00] The advantage that a published book gives you
  • [17:00] Why write another book on surviving abuse?
  • [20:00] How Natalie incorporated her community into her book
  • [22:45] Did people still buy Natalie’s book even though she gave it away for free or discounted?
  • [24:45] What surprised Natalie about the writing process?
  • [26:50] Natalie’s advice for women who want to write a book
  • [30:30] How writing a book fits into Natalie’s business strategy
  • Listen to this episode by clicking the Play button below:

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    Can writing a book really expand your platform?

    If you find yourself in the camp that is skeptical of the weight or significance of writing a book, go ahead and Google “Book tours.” If you do, you’ll find a large return on your search! Yes, even in today’s digital world, people still show up for book tours. Unfortunately, this isn’t a case of the old Field of Dreams line, “If you build it, they will come,” but you can use a book to leverage and expand your platform. Natalie Hoffman is a perfect example, she had built a platform through her work as a life coach, and now she’s expanded that platform with her book, “Is It Me?” One of the most significant advantages of publishing a book is having your material out there in the physical world serving as an ambassador for your brand and your platform.

    Can #writing a book really expand your #platform? Yes! Publishing a book is still an effective way to #BuildYourBrand and increase your reach! Catch this #podcast episode of #BizMavens for more details!
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    A book writing formula you can use.

    If you’re inching closer to the possibility of writing a book to expand your platform, a huge question you might have is “Where do I start?” Sure, it would be nice to have the time, space, energy, and resources to write a book…but who has that in spades? What if there were a formula that you could use that would help you create a framework to write a book? In our conversation, Natalie shares the formula for writing a book in twelve weeks. Here is how you can break it down.

    • Plan to write 10 to 12 chapters.
    • Each chapter should have 4 to 5 sections of about 1,000 words each.
    • Formula: Write 1 section a day, 5 days a week that will give you, 1 chapter a week and 12 chapters in 12 weeks.
    • While there is certainly nothing magical about this formula, it does give you a helpful starting place and a way to remove some of the mystique that often comes with writing a book.

      You deserve to have your story told!

      While it’s easier to write a book now than it ever has been in the past, many people (especially women) are hesitant to step out and tell their story. There are many reasons for this including shame, pain, lack resources, just to name a few. While the obstacles are still large, the opportunity is greater! Our world is full of people like Natalie who deserve to have their story told. I know you might be scared to take a bold step as Natalie has, but I believe you have it in you make it happen. If writing a book isn’t your next step, find out what yours is and work toward that.

      Do you have a #story worth telling? Will anyone be interested in what u have 2 say? These are questions that Natalie Hoffman had 2 before she wrote her book. Discover how she ended up writing her book in 12 weeks on this episode of #BizMavens!
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      Notes + Links from Today’s Show
      • Bird by Bird
      • The Elements of Style
      • The Writing Life
      • On Writing
      • Connect with Natalie Hoffman
        • Flying Free website
        • Natalie on Facebook
        • Natalie’s book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage
        • Episode #8 featuring Natalie’s story
        • Connect With Jeni

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          Learn how to expand your #platform by #Writing a book from special guest, Natalie Hoffman on this #podcast episode of #BizMavens.
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          #Writing a book, that’s only for the rich & well connected, right? Not today! Now there are more resources than ever 4 anyone (including U) to write their own book. Discover a proven formula that works on this episode of #BizMavens!
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          023: How To Expand Your Platform by Writing a Book, with Natalie Hoffman is a post by Jeni B. at Biz Mavens.

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          The Biz Mavens PodcastBy Jeni B: Online Marketing Strategist for Bloggers turned Entrepreneurs

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