Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy Largent

#026: Lori and Steven McClure and Learning through Weakness (Podcast)

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Today I’m excited to interview a couple, Lori and Steven McClure.  They are the authors of a new book, 15 Ways to Make Love Impossible. I know you are going to enjoy both of them as they share honestly and transparently about their journey.

Key Ideas:

Part 1:  Interview

  • The importance of being proactive with your activities (and what happens when you aren’t!)
  • What happens when you switch careers mid-life
  • Why difficulties are not the end of the story
  • “We learn the most when we feel weakest and most afraid”


Part 2: What I learned when I felt my weakest and most afraid

  1. Look at myself first
  2. I can let go of the outcome and trust God
  3. Just do the next right thing

Website links:  (This week we discussed)




Lori and Steven’s Recommended Reading and Resources:

15 Ways to Make Love Impossible, by Lori and Steven McClure

Noisetrade – Free Download of their book here

The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out, by Brennan Manning.

A Grief Observed, by C.S. Lewis.

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

Encouraging Word of the Week:  2 Corinthians 12:9 (New Living Translation)   “Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

Question:  What was the most encouraging part of this interview?  Are you going through any rough times that would make these ideas helpful?  I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.  And I’d love to pray for you too. Please leave your comments below.

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Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy LargentBy Christy Largent

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