The Biz Mavens Podcast

028: Podcast Tips You Can Use to Get Started and Expand Your Brand with Carey Green

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If you had all the podcast tips you needed to start your a podcast today, would you? Is the lack of helpful information the thing holding you back or do you have some other fears? I get it – putting yourself out there for the world to hear can be SCARY! Jumping into the podcasting pool wasn’t easy for me – but I’ve seen the value, and I’m convinced that it is worth the investment.

I want to help business leaders like you remove a lot of the fear around podcasting so you can see yourself participating in this effective medium. Here to help remove some of the unknowns and drop some stellar podcast tips is my guest, Carey Green.

Carey is a former pastor turned entrepreneur. He lived his dream and served as a pastor for over 20 years before following his call to the marketplace. These days, Carey spends his time running Podcast Fast Track—helping podcasters (like me!) make it look easy.

In our conversation, Carey provides some valuable podcast tips, things to consider before you start a podcast, who should start a podcast, challenges you can expect, and much more. If you’ve ever considered podcasting as a tool to grow your brand, this is the episode for you!

In this episode, listen for
  • [0:55] I introduce my guest, Carey Green.
  • [3:15] Who should look into podcasting?
  • [5:50] What advantage does podcasting give business leaders?
  • [8:10] The different type of podcasts on the marketplace.
  • [9:45] Common misconceptions about starting a podcast.
  • [12:15] Podcast titles matter!
  • [15:00] Three things to consider BEFORE you start a podcast.
  • [18:00] How to avoid “Podfading.”
  • [22:10] Drawing your listener in is critical.
  • [27:15] Transcripts, show notes, or both?
  • [31:20] What does your audience want to hear?
  • [35:10] How do you make sponsorship deals profitable?
  • [37:50] Carey’s SPECIAL FREE GIFT to Biz Mavens listeners.
  • [39:30] Carey enters the Lightning Round; rapid-fire questions.
  • [49:00] What does Podcast Fast Track do?
  • [51:40] Closing thoughts.
  • Listen to this episode by clicking the Play button below:

    Should I start a podcast?

    Should you start a podcast? If you are an extrovert – yes! If you are an introvert – no!

    If only it were that simple. The truth is – there are a ton of extroverts who would make for terrible podcast hosts and a ton of introverts that would excel as hosts. Podcasting isn’t a one-size fit all type of medium. You don’t have to have “Radio voice,” fancy audio equipment, or a huge network to get started.

    According to Carey Green, there are three things you need to consider BEFORE you pick out a name for your podcast or even hit the record button. You need to be able to answer these three questions.

    1. What is the topic you are passionate about? Nail it down and stick to it!
    2. Do you have value to give your audience? What is your unique perspective?
    3. Who is your target audience? How will you connect with them?
    4. If you can answer these three sets of questions – then you are well on your way to getting started! Thankfully, Carey has provided some essential podcast tips for those who are ready to dive in.

      Should you start a #podcast? Great question! Tune into this episode of the BizMavens podcast as @CareyNGreen from @PodcastFast gives you a helpful filter to answer that question though - you don’t want to miss it!
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      How to avoid “Podfading”

      Have you ever heard the term “Podfading?” If you aren’t a seasoned podcaster, the answer is likely, “No.” Podfading is a term used to describe the point when a podcast begins putting out episodes more and more sporadically and at greater intervals. If you don’t catch it early – podfading can lead to the death of a podcast. While there are many causes of podfading, the primary one is often a lack of material.

      Can you imagine it? You start podcasting with all the right intentions, excited to get this new creative pursuit out to the public and then the adrenaline spike wears off. Reality starts to set in, and now you have to start creating content at a rapid pace.

      How do you avoid podfading and stay ahead of the curve?

      Carey has an excellent exercise for you to try; it’s called “Ten, Ten, and Ten.”

      • Take 10 minutes and begin brain dumping everything you could discuss regarding your subject matter or topic. These are just bullet points – don’t overthink it!
        • Take the next 10 minutes to organize and prioritize your list. Which areas are your strong suit? Which areas could use a guest perspective?
          • Finally, take 10 minutes and further break down your prioritized list into three subpoints for each topic.
          • I LOVE this exercise that Carey shared, and I’m going to go out on a limb and try it soon. What other podcast tips would you like to hear? Make sure to reach out to Carey for more resources – you can find his contact information located in the resources section.

            Grab their attention and draw them in

            One of the most amazing aspects of podcasting is the ability to connect with your listener in a personal and intimate way. How often do you have someone speaking directly into your ear? You can make that segment of time as personal or as impersonal as you’d like.

            Whatever you do – don’t BORE your audience! Podcasting gives you a great platform and the ability to connect with your audience – make it easy for them.

            Don’t bury your lead – create a title that grabs your listener’s attention. Better yet – provide a compelling 10-15 second teaser clip at the beginning of your episode.

            Help your audience stay engaged with music and sound effects that fit your style and subject matter. Make sure to interact and engage with your audience. Include topics and sub-topics your audience wants to hear about – ask them if you have to!

            This is just a small snapshot of the mountain of podcast tips that Carey has to share. I am super thankful for Carey’s hard work on this podcast and for the generous insights he shared in our conversation. Carey has a FREE resource that he’s made available to those of you ready to make the plunge into podcasting. Email Carey for the FREE resource: carey[at]

            Don’t commit the cardinal sin of #podcasting. What is that sin? BORING your audience! Learn what it takes to keep your listeners engaged on this episode with @CareyNGreen from @PodcastFast!
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            Notes + Links from Today’s Show
            • Pat Flynn
            • Tim Ferriss
            • Cameron Herold
            • Nozbe
            • PODCAST: Freakonomics
            • PODCAST: How I Built This
            • PODCAST: Masters of Scale
            • BOOK: Principles: Life and Work
            • BOOK: Humility
            • Making Original Podcasts with Brands – Pacific Content
            • Connect with Carey Green
              • Podcast Fast Track
              • Narrativly
              • Carey’s email: carey[at]
              • Carey Green – Founder, Client Happiness Guy, CEO – LinkedIn
              • Carey Green (@CareyNGreen) | Twitter
              • Carey on Facebook
              • Tweets
                Get valuable #PodcastTips a #Podcasting expert! @CareyNGreen from @PodcastFast drops by to remove some of the fear and unknowns about podcasting. If you are thinking about starting a #Podcast - this is the episode for you!
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                Where do the ideas for a #podcast come from? Do #Podcasters just make up the topics on the fly or is there more of a method to the madness? Discover a helpful exercise that removes the mystery from @CareyNGreen on this episode!
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                028: Podcast Tips You Can Use to Get Started and Expand Your Brand with Carey Green is a post by Jeni B. at Biz Mavens.

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                The Biz Mavens PodcastBy Jeni B: Online Marketing Strategist for Bloggers turned Entrepreneurs

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