Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy Largent

#034: Making 2015 Your Best Year Ever (Podcast)

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When I started on the topic with my students, I had no idea I would get the reaction I did.  I was in Hungary teaching High School Seniors American English and culture – and since it was December, I thought a discussion of goals and New Year’s Resolutions would be absolutely perfect.

Their reaction surprised me at first, and then it made me laugh, and then it made me think.  As soon as I started talking about goals, I was interrupted by Balazs – one of my brighter students.  “Oh Miss Largent,” he said, “You Americans are so concerned with goals and New Year’s Resolutions.  Why are you so obsessed with these things?  You must be like the Hungarians and just let things happen.”

Join me today as I discuss the power of pursing goals well.  2014 has been one of my Best Years Ever and I credit it to Michael Hyatt and his 5 Days To Your Best Year Ever Program.  I did this last year, and it made a huge impact in my life.

And I’m not alone!  Last year there were over 3,000+ people who went through the program – and there are some amazing stories of people experiencing incredible transformations in their life.  You can see my own personal video testimonial by clicking  here.

I want you to know you can experience the same!

Some key ideas:

1.  Get crystal clear

2.  Write it down

3.  Get someone to come along side to help and encourage you…(register through my link and you can be a part of my private Facebook group, where we will work together, on our Best Year Ever encouraging each other all year.)

4.  Don’t delay!  Registration is only open for the a very short period of time. After that, Michael will close it down to focus on supporting the new class of people going through the program.  Early Bird Deadline! Dec 18th

I have a feeling you might be like I was in the summer of 2013.  Sick and tired of feeling stuck and not sure how to move yourself forward.  If you know deep down that you’re capable of more but you don’t know how to experience the kind of breakthrough you deserve, then go check this out:  I promise you will find 2015 really will  be your best year ever!

Resource Link:  Your Best Year Ever – be sure to click “I’m interested” and scroll down to see my own personal 5 minute story of how the program worked for me last year!

Encouraging Word of the Week: Proverbs 21:5 ESV  “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

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Encouraging Words for Working Moms with Christy LargentBy Christy Largent

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