The Virtually Awesome Podcast

059 | BONUS Live Recording from Artful Business Conference 2019 with Dawn Lewis

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Bonus Live Recording at the 2019 Artful Business Conference with Dawn Lewis from The Craft Room Podcast!

Welcome to The Craft Room Podcast, and if this is your first time listening, a special welcome to you. A few weeks ago I attended The Artful Business Conference in Adelaide here in Australia.  I love this conference … it is for people with creative businesses, and at any given time you can be sitting next to a writer, a jewellery maker, a yoga instructor, an accountant, a business coach, a graphic designer, a bridal accessory designer, a virtual assistant … it’s just amazing! While I was there, surrounded by so many incredibly creative people, I thought I’d ask a few of them three simple questions. I had an idea of how this episode would go, but the answers that these incredible women gave me were not at all what I was expecting.  In hindsight, I don’t know why I was expecting run-of-the-mill answers … I should know by now that creative people are going to give me creative answers.  They did not disappoint … they actually knocked me back on my heels, and this episode is going to be different, and so much deeper than I had intended!

Craft is seen to be this frivolous thing that women do, faffing about with fabric, yarn and thread.  But that’s far from true. First of all, craft is not exclusively for women, and what crafters do is so much more than making pretty things to pass the time. Absolutely we make tangible things.  We can give them as gifts, use them to keep warm, decorate our homes, sell them for some extra cash … and those are all fine reasons to engage in crafting activities.  But the real reason we craft goes so much deeper than that.

Today I want to introduce you to five wonderful ladies who were feeling game enough to answer my three quick questions.  You’ll hear me ask each of them …
1. What’s your day job?
2. What is your craft / creative pursuit of choice?
3. What do you get from this? 
Some of them I have known for a few years, some for a few months, others I just met. Some are older than me, some younger, some about the same. Some enjoy the same crafts as me, others are into things that aren’t quite my scene, or that are still on my to-do list. All of them are amazing at what they do professionally, and having seen some of their work in person, it’s not surprising that they are great at what they do creatively as well.

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The Virtually Awesome PodcastBy Evoke Media