Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way

11. Alcohol + Bipolar Disorder = Nothing Good...

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How does alcohol affect someone diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder? Well, the word "positive" is far from the answer to that question... Tune in as our host, Bailey Reber, recalls how alcohol affected her mood as well as the manic/depressive swings during her younger days. She dives deeper into the topic by providing research and facts while also encouraging those currently struggling with the disorder that happier days are ahead.  

SHOW NOTES: http://whatisheybailsdoing.com/2020/07/23/episode-11-show-notes/ 

WEBSITE: https://whatisheybailsdoing.com/ 

SOCIAL: https://www.instagram.com/distressedtojoyful_baileysway/

COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/distressedtojoyful.baileysway/

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Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's WayBy Bailey Reber

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