Own Your Shit with Danielle Gertner

#11 Stop should-ing, start living!

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Do you find yourself caught up in all you should be doing, instead of appreciating your progress in the present moment? In this episode, you will learn from one of Danielle's biggest 'AHA' moments on her own journey. When you should instead of live, you don’t allow your soul to evolve the way that it is meant to. Learn tactics to stop should-ing all over yourself and start soaking up the beauty of the present moment. 

I can't thank you enough for choosing to spend some of your time and energy with me today. If you found this episode valuable, please do me a favor and leave a review + share this with your friends, family, and community! Imagine a world where everyone truly owned their shit + lived with radical confidence. You can help me make that happen just by passing this along!

Down to be best friends? Connect with me on Instagram (@daniellegertner), subscribe to my newsletter at daniellegertner.com, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

Learn more about the Radical Confidence Blueprint Course here. 

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Own Your Shit with Danielle GertnerBy Danielle Gertner

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