
115. Debatable Open Round 4 - IR feat. James Cachola

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We understand that the fourth round, being about INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, was especially tough for many of you. Likewise, we think that learning is especially important here. Whether you win or lose is always less important than whether you learned from the experience.

And in the spirit of learning from experiences, we invite you all to listen to our PDA for round 4. We are grateful to have James Cachola with us as the motion contributor and interviewee for this set. James is a 3x regional champion and one of the best debaters in the country. They're currently working on their thesis proposal and so we're especially thankful that they gave us their time and expertise in this regard.
Motion 1: [2:15] A "World government" is a socio-political concept that presumes a single administrative authority should have jurisdiction over all of Earth and humanity. This house welcomes the idea of transitioning into a World Government.
Motion 2: [17:07] This house, as socio-democratic opposition parties in developing states within Asia, would implement a singular political agenda.
Motion 3: [28:43] This House Believes that international organizations should cease their non-interventionist policy for territorial disputes concerning repetitive offenders.

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DebatableBy Nina Tomas