Hello My Quilting Friends

119. Stitching Myself Back Together - Grief, Gratitude, and Hart Square 2019

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I've been working through a hard time and reflecting today on how important my craft is to my life. Quilting has helped me stitch myself back together again, through grief and back to gratitude. I'm sharing a lot of good news, a lot of bad news and the joy of hand quilting at Hart Square once again.

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Hello My Quilting Friends is a podcast created by Leah Day that is all about quilting, running a creative business, and finding balance between work, quilts, and life. Find all the episodes published so far right here: https://leahday.com/podcast

You can also find a handy playlist with all the podcasts shared so far: https://youtu.be/48RXKFdcgsI?list=PLNkZhEjxH0nJmpNGCjE33ebcV6g_0qEhn

This podcast is sponsored by Leah's website where you can find books and online workshops on machine quilting, tools, patterns, and much more! Check out the store here: https://leahday.com/collections/shop

Do you have a suggestion for a future podcast or would you like to be on the show? Contact Leah Day and introduce yourself here: https://leahday.com/pages/contact-us

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Hello My Quilting FriendsBy Leah Day