Kathleen Maher, Barnum Museum Executive Director/Curator, will explore the remarkable history of P.T. Barnum, a man known for ideas and imagination as well as preconceived notions of a man and philosophy. Known to most of the world as the “Great American Showman,” the Barnum name has also forged associations of humbug and merriment; the hyperbolic alongside the austere; provoked thought and invited controversy; welcomed the cynic and engaged and challenged the skeptic. With the burgeoning ambitions of a visionary, yet still a man of his times, P.T. Barnum embraced the dream of a truly democratic nation, and in doing so, inspired a new American society to reach beyond the limits of ordinary expectations and to see the world as a place of opportunity and wonder.
From its opening on February 18, 1893 to present day, The Barnum Museum has been committed to the preservation and interpretation of Bridgeport’s industrial and social history, as well as being an outstanding educational resource for students of all ages.
Kathleen Maher joined The Barnum Museum in 1998 as the Registrar/Curator. Maintaining the Curatorial post, Maher became the Executive Director of the museum in 2005. Maher created and implemented numerous social historical exhibitions and programs throughout her career that have explored vast themes ranging from the transformation of family structure and the role of women during the American Civil War, to the struggles and triumphs of an emerging 19th century industrial America.
In 2010, The Barnum Museum was struck by an F1 tornado significantly damaging the National Register building. Ms. Maher has been the champion of the massive recovery effort involving historic architects, engineers, environmental engineers, and an army of object conservators. Working with the City of Bridgeport, State Historic Preservation Office, and the National Parks Service, Ms. Maher has been a leader in ensuring that 1893 The Barnum Museum’s status is elevated to National Historic Landmark by the National Parks and Department of the Interior.
Kathleen Maher has been regularly sought for on air appearances and research information as a guest historian for History Channel, Arts & Entertainment Network, Biography, MSG Network, British Broadcasting Company (BBC), American Heroes Channel (AHC), New England Cable News (NECN), CT Public Television (CPTV), and National Public Radio (NPR.)