School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | Happiness

12: Follow your Bliss! How to start living the life of your dreams!

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Today we’re talking to the superhuman couple - Claudine and Honza Lafond. 

This husband and wife duo, knows a thing or two about living the life of their dreams. 


They are the founders of YogaBeyond®, a brand built on the practice of yoga, trust and community. And the creators of Acrovinyasa  which is a combination of vinyasa, acroyoga and inversion training. Think - partner yoga with a twist!


These two lovebirds, who are based in Sydney, travel the world teaching yoga together. And they are passionate about encouraging others to follow their bliss as well. If check out their Instagram account @YogaBeyond you will be in awe of not only the crazy poses they do together but of the palpable love they share. 

You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at:


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School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | HappinessBy Sarah Cordial

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