Thinking with David

#12 - Scott Bihorel

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Scott Bihorel is a wedding singer, teacher of English and meditator.

This is a special on the road, “before and after” episode in which Scott and I discuss our expectations on the way to an eight-day silent meditation retreat held in Kaufman, TX, then reconvene afterward to discuss the experience.

Along the way, Scott shares his auspicious story of finding meditation while soulsearching and backpacking in Colombia, his experience healing psychosomatic pain, the arcs of inspiration, and how to rise above traffic jams with ease. Also, a truck almost backed into us. Afterward, it was quite the experience to speak after eight days of silence, so please forgive my overexcitement. :)

Scott and I shared many laughs, impressions, silly voices and thoughts about lucid dreaming that were not caught on record. Needless to say, his presence made the journey that much more delightful. If you ever need a wedding singer, particularly one who sings in fluent Spanish, or a wise friend, then contact Scott. So, please welcome to the podcast, Señor Scott Bihorel!


PS - The episode was recorded on iPhone headphones, so I hope the quality is tolerable enough. Cheers!

Show Notes:

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  • Doing Time, Doing Vipassana (Documentary)
  • Dhamma Brothers (Documentary)

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Thinking with DavidBy David Smart

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