Hello My Quilting Friends

124. My Word of the Year for 2020! Focus on the Light and the Joy of Creativity

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Happy New Year 2020! In this podcast episode I'm sharing my new word of the year - Light - and how I'm focusing on the light, the joy, the glimmer of happiness in everything I do.

I read from the book Leah Day's Goddess Quilts in this episode. Find a copy of this book here: https://leahday.com/products/leah-days-goddess-quilts-print-edition

Find the audiobook version here: http://bit.ly/GoddessQuilts

Find the Dream Goddess Planner here: https://leahday.com/products/dream-goddess-3-month-planner-print-edition

Check out Ms. Bunny and her current simple dress here: https://leahday.com/bunny

And Mally the Maker here: https://leahday.com/Mally

Help support this podcast and make new friends! Join Leah's Quilting Friends Club here: https://www.quiltfriends.club/

Hello My Quilting Friends is a podcast created by Leah Day that is all about quilting, running a creative business, and finding balance between work, quilts, and life. Find all the episodes published so far right here: https://leahday.com/podcast

You can also find a handy playlist with all the podcasts shared so far: https://youtu.be/48RXKFdcgsI?list=PLNkZhEjxH0nJmpNGCjE33ebcV6g_0qEhn

This podcast is sponsored by Leah's website where you can find books and online workshops on machine quilting, tools, patterns, and much more! Check out the store here: https://leahday.com/collections/shop

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Hello My Quilting FriendsBy Leah Day