What's this? Grand Moff Talkin' in your feed? Why yes, we are still alive, somehow! Sorry for the two week delay, but you may have noticed that life has gotten a little bit crazy for everyone. That being said, we're gonna try to keep up our weekly schedule from now on to provide, hopefully, a little bit of comfort!
So please bear with us while our audio gets slightly worse due to recording over the internet! This week we recap the last few months, as we haven't recorded since mid-January! We talk about Riley's trip to Galaxy's Edge at Disney World, then Jake talks about reading the Rise of Skywalker novelization, and then we pop into a quick review of the latest season of The Clone Wars.
Stay safe out there, and join our Discord channel if you need somewhere to chill out and talk about Star Wars and other random subjects during these weird times! We're planning on doing some streaming there and watching some TV shows or something all together.
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