Daily Reformation

#137 - The Social Justice Movement and its Unbiblical Roots

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Needless to say, Christians ought to fight for justice and demand that evil be punished. Cases such as that of George Floyd and Daniel Shaver are sickening to watch, and the Biblical response to these things ought to be the demanding of justice. But we need to be careful that our definition and perception of “justice” is directed by Scripture and not by unbiblical secular ideologies such as cultural Marxism.
On this episode, Jason explores in depth the seemingly-compassionate but dangerous ideologies that underly the social-justice movement and its various forms that have been implemented even in some portions of the church. For questions, comments, objections, or concerns feel free to email [email protected]
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All glory be to Christ!
Music: “Turn It Off” by Shai Linne, used with the artist’s express permission.
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Daily ReformationBy Jason Barefoot