School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | Happiness

15: SUPER GENES- Unlocking the astonishing power of your DNA!

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Today we’re talking about the incredible influence that we have to shape our brains, and even our genes! Did you know that the lifestyle choices that we make can actually optimize how our genes and brains behave, allowing us to reach a state of health and fulfillment undreamed of even a decade ago.    Our guest is Harvard Neuroscientist Dr. Rudy Tanzi.   Dr. Tanzi is a professor of Neurology at Harvard and Director of the genetics and aging research unit at Mass General Hospital. He is one of the world's foremost experts on the causes of Alzheimer’s. and was name to TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.   Dr Tanzi collaborated with physician and mind-body expert Deepak Chopra and co-authored two books - Super Brain and Super Genes, both of which absolutely blew open my mind!   Their first book, Super Brain, is a manual for relating to our brain in a new way. It shows us how to use our brain as a gateway for achieving health, happiness, and spiritual growth.   And then in their follow up Super Genes - they say that our experiences actually sculpt our genes! Crazy, right?! They say, you will always have the genes you were born with, but genes are dynamic, responding to everything we think, say, and do. So, we are the user and controller of our genes, the author of our biological story. And our everyday lifestyle and habits, whether good or bad, are changing our gene activity.     Chopra and Tanzi propose, that through a person’s increased self-awareness and conscious intention, the brain and genes can be taught to reach far beyond their present limitations. They say the brain and genes are capable of incredible healing and constant reshaping. And Through a new relationship with both you can achieve, what they call, radical well-being. 

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School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | HappinessBy Sarah Cordial

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