Are You Real  | Finding Your Purpose

151: Modern Day Prophetic with Shawn Bolz

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Shawn Bolz is on the podcast today talking about how the Holy Spirit living inside us nudges us down the paths we should take and we have to be tuned in. We walk with God as Christians and we need to listen to Him so that His word has application. Shawn helps others understand what God is saying in a prophetic way, just as many of the prophets heard and shared from God in scripture. Shawn and other prophets help others to understand what God is saying to them individually, whether through something audible or through nature and instincts. Shawn shares how God sometimes wants us to creatively solve problems without money and gives examples of how God has done this in his life. Shawn shares their excitement about the speakers who will be at the Kingdom Conference including Bob Hasson, Jon Fuller, Shawn Bolz, Michael McIntyre, and Christy Austin. So, be hungry for Christ and attend both conferences to be radically changed!


Two of the biggest events in Texas this year include the  Modern Prophetic Symposium and The Kingdom Conference.

5/30-6/1 Modern Prophetic Symposium at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie, TX

Kingdom Conference in Amarillo, TX (7/28)

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Are You Real  | Finding Your PurposeBy Jon B. Fuller

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