Show Notes | December 16, 2022 | Episode 153
Milspouse and Navy veteran Kylin Ntri had a question about the hiring process, so she attended our virtual Coffee & Connect event with the recruiters at Intuit, where she was able to connect face-to-face with QuickBooks Live recruiter Tessa Eubanks and get her question answered in real time.
After the event, Tessa helped Kylin with the application process. Soon thereafter, she got #hired as a Sr. Associate with QuickBooks Live. Tune in to watch Kylin tell her #hired journey from stay-at-home mom to a remote accounting career.
Links and Resources
Kimber Hill LinkedInMichelle Corbet LinkedIn
In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:
VirtForce Recruitment ArsenalHow to Ace Your Virtual InterviewIntuit's 80-Hour Bookkeeping Course
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