Beauty Therapy

16. Start Here to Transform Your Creative Life

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Are you feeling blocked creatively?
I’m indifferent about New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I love the idea of wiping the slate clean & getting to start fresh. Other times I’m plagued by the idea of committing to something in which I already know I’ll fail- like cutting back on coffee ☕️. (Never going to happen!) What I’ve realized over the years is that every day is a new start and most of my real moments of change were sparked by happenchance on the middle of an average day in March.
But as we close 2019, I can’t help but feel the strong pull of intention at my ankles. And if you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet it’s calling you, too!
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is a 12-week spiritual path to higher creativity. It’s one of the MOST transformative things I’ve ever done for myself- and believe me, I’ve done a LOT in the self-help category (this is also one of the cheapest 😂 $15 on Amazon, anyone?) When I finished it back in 2012, I gained the courage to enroll in Cosmetology school. And my life has never been the same. Although it won’t break the bank, it does take commitment & willingness & openness & bravery. All of which I know you possess!
It’s time for me to go on this journey again in 2020, and I’m inviting you to join me!
Are you ready to discover your inner artist? To laugh, cry, stretch and grow? Mark your calendars for Feb 1, 2020!
Buy The Artist's Way
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Music Credits: Little Dream by Dj Quads @aka-dj-quads
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs
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Beauty TherapyBy Kiera Doyle

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