
17 Questions To Ask Before Getting Engaged

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Taking the plunge and spending the rest of your life with someone is kind of a big decision, and there are a few things you should be discussing about your future first. From credit and debt to family values, we're breaking it down into 17 key questions. Plus, we're talking about the future of Once Upon a Time and the level of garbage Chris Soules actually is.

Real Talk: Questions to Ask Before Getting Engaged

  • Money
  • Do either of you have debt? How much?
  • How good are both of you with money? (Any shopping problems? Gambling problems?)
  • How is their credit? How is yours?
  • Family
    • (Particularly important if you’re from different religious backgrounds)
    • Do you want children? How many?
  • Where do you want to live? Do you want to be close to family or do you want to move?
  • Do you get along with their family? Do they get along with yours?
  • How are we going to handle holidays?
  • Values
    • “How important is religion to you?” --NY Times
  • Would you rather have a big rock and small house or a big house and small rock?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice? I.e. career success or family time.
  • “Do we have more than just love?” --Bustle
  • Relationship:
    • Where do you see us in five years?
  • “How important is sex to you?” --NY Times
  • How much privacy do we each need and expect?
  • What’s the #1 reason you would get divorced?
  • How do you resolve conflict? What are your fighting styles?
  • Who’s cooking? Who’s cleaning?
  • The News

    • Jennifer Morrison, who plays Emma, won’t be returning for season 7 of Once Upon a Time—if there even is a season 7, which we’ll find out sometime this week.
  • Chris Soules apparently didn’t hit and run. He just hit, called the police, then ran when the guy bled out. So like still bad, but not as bad.
  • Would You Rather...

    • Work opposite work shifts of your SO so you barely see them or never have any alone time?
  • Be dumped for being too feminist or have to like, iron his clothes forever?
  • What questions did you and your significant other ask each other before getting engaged? Are we totally overthinking it here? Is love actually an open door? Tell us with #JustEVEsdropping on Twitter! And don't forget to email us your Dear HBIC questions to [email protected].

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