Own Your Shit with Danielle Gertner

#18 I was detained

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This week I talk about my experience being detained for CBD when I arrived in the US from my trip to Costa Rica. This episode is all about choosing faith over fear and learning to soften my heart to navigate through situations where I have no control of.

I can't thank you enough for choosing to spend some of your time and energy with me today. If you found this episode valuable, please do me a favor and leave a review + share this with your friends, family, and community! Imagine a world where everyone truly owned their shit + lived with radical confidence. You can help me make that happen just by passing this along!

Down to be best friends? Connect with me on Instagram (@daniellegertner), subscribe to my newsletter at daniellegertner.com, or shoot me an email at [email protected].

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Own Your Shit with Danielle GertnerBy Danielle Gertner

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