Bedroom Beethovens

186: Ahwlee

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Laid back Texas drawl meets Ahwlee's low smooth Southern Californian drawl as we have a chill conversation on his upbringing intersected with his love of music. We also talk about his thought process and how he chooses the people he collaborates with. Pink Siifu and him just finished their third studio LP together as rapper-producer duo B. Cool-Aid. Leather Blvd. — the sequel to their 2017 debut BRWN and their sophomore LP Syrup from the following year — celebrates the slick swagger of its titular fabric, calling back to an era of indoor cigarettes and well-dressed sophistication, albeit with a schoolyard twist. Visit the website: Support the show on Patreon:
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Bedroom BeethovensBy Marcello Milteer

  • 4.9
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