Self Control & Cheese

19. Slowing Down To Speed Up

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First of all.... Can we talk about the new branding? How frikin SLICK are we, right?!?!? Ok so anywho this is our Season 1 finale. You heard us, we're doing seasons now, wanna know why? Because we can. We are both trying to have a relaxing summer filled with non-work related activities and we just don't want to be thinking about and talking about work when we could be at the beach. Sue us. But we've got big ass plans for season 2 so listen on to hear about why we chose to take a break, what you can expect from us next season, and the best cheese we ate in season 1. 

Love you all like you wouldn't believe. 


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Self Control & CheeseBy Sara Pion and Bridget Poetker

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