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Chant it down welcomes, Charlie Robinson, host of the popular podcast, Macroaggressions. We talk about a wide variety of subjects. We talk about the different channels of the system in which you can wake up in. How to describe the system to people who are asleep and our similar analogies to describe the system like an octopus or a giant leviathan that controls all aspects of society.
In the heart of this talk, we go into Charlie's most popular episode to date, "where did all of the people go?" Which is, about the speculative numbers of world population given by the military site deagle, in relation to those who took the poison darts. It is alarming and dark, but we must understand what the future may hold, and what to prepare for. Charlie's work ranges on many subjects just like Chant it down.
You can find Charlie Robinson's work and podcasts at: http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com
Website: https://www.chantitdownradio.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTlBzFViiv58N4_K9On0UQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/home
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Telegram: https://t.me/chantitdownchat
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Chant it down welcomes, Charlie Robinson, host of the popular podcast, Macroaggressions. We talk about a wide variety of subjects. We talk about the different channels of the system in which you can wake up in. How to describe the system to people who are asleep and our similar analogies to describe the system like an octopus or a giant leviathan that controls all aspects of society.
In the heart of this talk, we go into Charlie's most popular episode to date, "where did all of the people go?" Which is, about the speculative numbers of world population given by the military site deagle, in relation to those who took the poison darts. It is alarming and dark, but we must understand what the future may hold, and what to prepare for. Charlie's work ranges on many subjects just like Chant it down.
You can find Charlie Robinson's work and podcasts at: http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com
Website: https://www.chantitdownradio.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTlBzFViiv58N4_K9On0UQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/home
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chantitdown/
Telegram: https://t.me/chantitdownchat
Please help support the show. Subscribe, leave reviews, help algorithms find the show. Support the show if possible.
Chant it down t-shirts: https://chant-it-down-store.creator-spring.com/listing/chant-it-down-logo