My guest today is Associate Professor Felice Jacka.
Felice is an NHMRC Career Development Fellow at Deakin University. She is president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR) and the Australian Alliance for the Prevention of Mental Disorders (APMD).
She also leads the new Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University. Felice has pioneered and led a highly innovative program of research that examines how individuals' diets, and other lifestyle behaviours, interact with the risk for mental health problems. This research is being carried out with the ultimate goal of developing new, evidence-based prevention and treatment strategies for mental disorders.
You can find Felice at the Food and Mood Centre.
You can connect with Felice on twitter @felicejacka.
You can listen to this episode via the link above, on iTunes or Stitcher or via the podcast app on your smartphone.
•having meaningful work
•the link between diet and depression
•the link between mind and body
•the impact of mother's diets while pregnant and children's mental health
•how diet improves our mental health
•Barry Popkin
•the cost of mental health on our society
•the documentary Globesity and the impact of big food on our global health
•75% of psychiatric disorders will start before the age of 14
•kids whose diet quality gets worse around the age of 14 tend to have worse mental health than those whose diet quality is good
•the impact of diet on the size of the hippocampi (in the brain) and brain plasticity
•healthy diets are often the traditional diets, and these are often associated with better mental health
•Michael Pollan
•Just as Juicy - a menopause blog
•International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research
•food as medicine
•the importance of gut health
•the importance of diet, exercise and sleep
•Anxiety Release - meditation app
•the brain drain of our researchers due to a lack of funding in Australia
•the impact of diet in pregnancy on children
•being diagnosed with breast cancer during her first mammogram.
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