Life in 16 oz.

26 – We Expose Best Home Brews and Bare It All

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This episode we exposé (no, we expose) award-winning home brews from a hop head on the verge of a foothold in the craft beer industry. Next, we speak with a Bay Area company who partners with innovative beer makers to supersize their recipes and bare it all to the drinking masses. Finally, we taste test two future gladiators, for our Mel Gibson-approved BEER DOME competition. That, and our usual craic, on this episode of Life in 16 oz.

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Skip to Brian Winckel, Award Winning Homebrewer (3:25)
Talks about his trials and tribulations of inadvertently developing what would eventually become his first award-winning homebrew after a couple folks encouraged him to enter it in a competition. Includes a major learning experience associated with filling out those pesky competition entry forms as well as his strategy for when to brew in relation to a contest deadline.
Skip to Brian Winckel (30:46)
Brian talks about Barebottle Brewing Company's competition.
Skip to Not So Beer Dome - Barebottle Brewing Company (53:21)
Now drinking:  West Coast Splash, West Coast IPA
Skip to Barebottle Brewing Company, Co-Founder Lester Koga and Co-Head Brewer John Montes de Oca (aka "Magic") (56:46)
Lester and Magic talk about the hops they're into these days and the non-flagship beers they prefer to brew.
Skip to Lester Koga and John Montes de Oca (aka "Magic") cont. (1:01:55)
Paul brings earlier interviewee Brian Winckel back into the studio to join in on the fun. They ask Lester and Magic about how they go about brewing new beers on their equipment, how do they upscale homebrew recipes for their production line, and about how they find out about homebrewers like Brian.
Skip to Lester and John (aka Magic) cont. (1:15:08)
Lester and Magic talk about the recipes they and the Barebottle Brewing team create, explain their preference for being a "self-distributed brewery," and answer Paul's "stupid questions" (Paul's words) about freshness, acquiring unique ingredients, and about how San Francisco's water profile is ideal for their beers.
Skip to Lester and Magic cont. (1:30:14)
Lester and Magic respond to Paul and Brian's questions about the latest beer trends and about some of Barebottle's IPA and pale ale recipes that 'exposes' the styles as not-as-different-as-you-think. Their relation to hazy IPAs and session IPAs are compared as well. Regional differences are also discussed.
Skip to "The Mexican Lager" (1:36:51)
Brandon and Paul talk Torcido, Barebottle's award-winning Mexican lager. Brian then tells a story about his two attempts to win over a relative with his homebrewed version of Barebottle's award-winning Mexican lager. Meanwhile, Lester and Magic remain focused on the number of substitutions Brian made to their recipe. Did the Brian-cido win any awards with the family member or was it just another one-and-done?
Skip to Not So Beer Dome - Barebottle Brewing Company (1:41:04)
Now drinking:  Secret Oasis, Hazy IPA
Skip to Lester and Magic cont. (1:44:29)
Paul and Brandon discuss hops, then Lester and Magic give their perspective on hops and talk about their top selling beer styles to wrap things up.

Keep scrolling for more info and photos related to this episode.

Northern Brewer / Williams Brewing / National Homebrew Competition /
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Life in 16 oz.By Brandon McCarty and Paul Wade