This episode, get your Medulla Oblongata ready because we question a quiz whiz. Next, we fill our pints with ones and zeros and talk to a video game company who are bringing beer-making to the digital world. Finally, with a pocket full of quarters, we go for a high score with brews from an arcade-themed company, in this month's BEER DOME competition. That, and our usual craic on this episode of Life in 16 oz.
#Lifein16oz #WhatsinYOURpint #BeerDome
#Brewmaster #MarsHorizon #TheColonists #AurochDigital #SoldOut
Show Notes
* Skip to Beer News - 2:36
* Skip to TTodd Virtual Trivia - Intro - 7:35
* Skip to Thomas Todd, Trivia Host Extraordinaire - 10:46
* Skip to Witty Guest Roasts Hosts - 11:42
* Skip to Beer Dome - 8 Bit Hazy IPA Battle - Intro 44:32
* Skip to Brewmaster Beer Brewing Simulator - Intro 49:05
* Skip to Peter Wellington and Matt Bone, Brewmaster Producer and Lead Designer, respectively, at Auroch Digital 52:20
* Skip to Beer Dome - 8 Bit Hazy IPA Battle - Finale 1:18:12
8 Bit Brewing Company / TTodd Virtual Trivia / King Trivia / Jeopardy! / J! Archive / Auroch Digital / Brewmaster (Wishlist on Steam) / Brewmaster Development News / Aurochnaut Discord (all things Brewmaster, homebrews, games, and space) / Sold Out / Left Handed Giant / Moor Beer Company / The Wild Beer Company / Tapestry Brewery / New Bristol Brewery
Keep scrolling for more tidbits from the show, to include photos related to this month’s episode.
* Get the vaccine, get a free beer at participating Washington breweries
Referred to by Paul in his Beer News segment. Published by Q13 Fox.
* Wrong brand: Ohio man blames 14 cases of stolen beer on wife
Referred to by Paul in his Beer News segment. Published by Cox Media Group.
* Michelob Ultra will give you free beer f...