Life in 16 oz.

28 – We Raid, Pillage and Blunder

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This episode we grab our horned cups, fill them with nectar from the udders of a goat and speak with a mead maker who disturbs us with Norse Mythology. Next, we make a square and pit two commercial meaderies in our first ever MEAD DOME. Finally, we taste and judge copious amounts of mead from Forseti Meadery during our first-ever aftershow (Odin would be proud!). That and our usual craic on this episode of Life in 16 oz.
#Lifein16oz #WhatsinYOURpint #BeerDome
#Mead #FindMead #MeadMeadMead

Show Notes

* Skip to Beer News - 3:40

* Skip to Rant Time - 8:51

* Skip to Mead Story - 15:25

* Skip to Bob Wilkie, Mead Maker, Forseti Meadery - 17:08

* Skip to "Mead Dome" - Intro 1:09:40

* Skip to Bob Wilkie, Mead Maker, Forseti Meadery 1:11:43

* Skip to "Mead Dome" - Finale 1:20:02

* Skip to The Aftershow - 1:40:01


Visit Placerville / Jack Russell Farm Brewery / Main Street Tap House / Solid Ground Brewing / Fort Rock Brewing / de Vere's Irish Pub / Brian Winckel Interview (Ep 26) / HBO's Beforeigners / The Finest Bubble / Batch Mead / Moonshine University / Encyclopedia Britannica / Craft Beer & Brewing / AleHorn / Norse Mythology for Smart People / Lyme Bay Winery / Charm City Meadworks / Heidrun Meadery / Vintner's Harvest


Keep scrolling for more tidbits from the show, to include photos related to this month’s episode.





Boston Beer and PepsiCo dew it hard, plan to launch HARD MTN DEW in 2022
Referred to by Paul in his Beer News segment. Published by Craft Brewing Business.

* Drinking this much beer a day slashes your heart disease risk, study says
Referred to by Paul in his Beer News segment. Published by Galvanized Media.

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Life in 16 oz.By Brandon McCarty and Paul Wade