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Host Dennis Leap and special guest Grant Turgeon discuss the two chapters foreshadowing the destruction of the Pequod as Ahab continues his insane search to destroy Moby Dick. In Chapter 110, Queequeg suffers a near-fatal illness caused by removing casks of oil from below deck. He requests the ship carpenter make him a coffin so he is not buried at sea in his hammock, but Queequeg does not die. Chapter 127 shows how Ahab hates the coffin because it reminds him of the wooden leg the carpenter crafted for him after Moby Dick took off his leg. Ahab chides the carpenter when he refashions the coffin into a life buoy to rescue sailors who might fall overboard.
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Host Dennis Leap and special guest Grant Turgeon discuss the two chapters foreshadowing the destruction of the Pequod as Ahab continues his insane search to destroy Moby Dick. In Chapter 110, Queequeg suffers a near-fatal illness caused by removing casks of oil from below deck. He requests the ship carpenter make him a coffin so he is not buried at sea in his hammock, but Queequeg does not die. Chapter 127 shows how Ahab hates the coffin because it reminds him of the wooden leg the carpenter crafted for him after Moby Dick took off his leg. Ahab chides the carpenter when he refashions the coffin into a life buoy to rescue sailors who might fall overboard.
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