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Host Dennis Leap and special guest Grant Turgeon discuss Chapters 128, 129 and 130. Chapter 128 deals with the Pequod’s encounter with the Nantucket whaler named The Rachel. Manxman, and old sailor, warns Ahab that The Rachel is bringing bad news. Ahab is only interested in an answer to his question: Hast thou seen the white whale? The Rachel’s captain has lost sight of his son helping in a whale boat crew due to a dangerous encounter with Moby Dick. He requests Ahab and the Pequod’s help in searching for the boat. Ahab refuses because he wants to pursue Moby Dick. Chapter 129 gives a look inside Ahab’s cabin and a discussion between Ahab and Pip. Ahab admits he is crazy and wants Pip to stay in the cabin because he knows a dangerous encounter with Moby Dick is imminent. In Chapter 130, The Hat, Ahab, Fedellah and the crew are downcast over the coming, sure-to-be-violent encounter with Moby Dick. Melville foreshadows what is to come.
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Host Dennis Leap and special guest Grant Turgeon discuss Chapters 128, 129 and 130. Chapter 128 deals with the Pequod’s encounter with the Nantucket whaler named The Rachel. Manxman, and old sailor, warns Ahab that The Rachel is bringing bad news. Ahab is only interested in an answer to his question: Hast thou seen the white whale? The Rachel’s captain has lost sight of his son helping in a whale boat crew due to a dangerous encounter with Moby Dick. He requests Ahab and the Pequod’s help in searching for the boat. Ahab refuses because he wants to pursue Moby Dick. Chapter 129 gives a look inside Ahab’s cabin and a discussion between Ahab and Pip. Ahab admits he is crazy and wants Pip to stay in the cabin because he knows a dangerous encounter with Moby Dick is imminent. In Chapter 130, The Hat, Ahab, Fedellah and the crew are downcast over the coming, sure-to-be-violent encounter with Moby Dick. Melville foreshadows what is to come.
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