Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast

34. Alex Garland’s Men (2022)

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We go on at length about this polarizing folk-slasher from the dude that wrote the screenplay for 28 Days Later. It’s very high concept and bookends Hagazussa nicely as an opposite of Saint Maud. Really, these three films have been a great leading-lady triple feature. If you wanted to listen to us spend way too much time comparing and contrasting the careers of Glenn Danzig and Rob Zombie instead of talking about this movie that has nothing to do with either of them, please listen to this newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!

If you would like to recommend a movie, talk about Attack on Titan, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us on
Twitter: @LoathsomePod
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Facebook: @LoathsomePodcast

The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List

(of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)

(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)

(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)
(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)
(4) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)
(5) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)
(6) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
(7) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)
(8) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
(9) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)
(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)

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Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie PodcastBy loathsomethings

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