Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast

39. David Carson’s Carrie (2002)

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“Angela Bettis! Angela Bettis! Angela Bettis!” said David Carson into the camera, and poof! She was there to provide one of the few redeeming qualities in this made-for-TV wad. Directed by the guy that directed Captain Kirk’s death and co-starring Dualla from Battlestar Galactica, this movie features Windows 98 screensaver-grade CGI a flat, lifeless retelling of the story from the same era at the mini-series version of The Shining. Join us for part 2 out our 3-part series of Carrie: Who Wore It Best on this most October 2022est episode of Loathsome Things: A Podcast in which two jerks talk about the horror movies they watched and assumed you would like to listen to that!

If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us howe we can get Angela Bettis to be on our show, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us on
Twitter: @LoathsomePod
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The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List

(of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)

(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)

(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)
(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)
(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)
(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)
(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)
(7) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
(8) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)
(9) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)


Honorable Mentions:

Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!
The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

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Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie PodcastBy loathsomethings

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